There's only 2 weeks to go until mission.
Wait, I lie. 2 weeks and 2 days, 3 exams, 3 21sts, 1 20th and 1 more Mission Team meeting to go.
See what I mean when I say that it feels like a lot but not a lot at the same time?
Am pretty excited though; stayed up until 3am setting up and blogging on the new mission blog & making a powerpoint to share about the Omagari mission @ FCG on Friday night... kinda scared but after Euge's sermon on Sunday.. I think I have to remember that God tells us that He has a harvest ready and no matter how hard it seems in the mission field, don't be discouraged because God is faithful :) Reading the Manders' newsletter (missionaries at the church we're going to) it's made me realise how impatient I am to see fruit in ministries - they talk about a lady who has shown no interest in Christianity despite coming to worship services for years despite other Christian women sharing their faith with her consistently... until really recently when she asked another sister to read the bible with her! Praise God so so much :) It's really made me repent and see that God has His perfect timing for everything that isn't the same as the time we see..
Will update with the link soon. :)
At the moment, preparing for exams (1 at a time!) is quite draining :( and realising that I do need to take better care of people around me + myself by resting more and being more alert! Major shoutout to John for the notes and I hope you get that position with LSS :)
Really praise God this week by guiding me through changing my major from Int Business to Finance :) I think He really made me realise (read something on Prov 31) how blessed I am to be given the chance to study Business (that I've always whined about and hated) and to be equipped with valuable skills to serve my family, my future family (yay!), church family + others who don't know Christ :) From now on I shall no longer hate but study with joy +; thankfulness! If I'm complaining, someone please remind me! =P I also realise how precious it is to have older sisters in Christ I can ask for wise and godly advice :) many thanks to the brothers + sisters who reminded me that God can be using whatever we're doing to serve and glorify Him.
On another note, am so so excited that Gracepoint Burwood will be so close to Westfield's (and so close to my old house!), and am currently praying and thinking about whether I should go to the Lidcombe Evening service plant next year. God has been so gracious in the mission opportunities He has provided even though our church was having a lot of stress with having nowhere to meet for service, and just a whole lot of uncertainty but God uses these things to make us realise that we only need to rely on Him in prayer, be willing to go wherever He tells us to, and to be ready to hold out the gospel to everyone and anyone :) Please be praying for the ministry God has given to the church to be reaching out and training international students in Cumbo & even (maybe) starting a Christian youth group @ Homebush Boys! :D
I have decided to stay at Burwood Extreme for another year to encourage + support to my lovely little sisters who are starting Year 12! :D It is my prayer that these youth will be serving and loving and growing in Him even when the stress hits! I'm really looking forward to making support packs for you girls + shouting you guys de-stressing cafe adventures + iced chocolates/coffees :)
- I shouldn't forget my brother in all this.. okay I'll be nicer to you from now on :D
Also, am thinking of going to KYLC and doing Children's Ministry Strand 1 next year, and really praying that many of the Extremers will come and be equipped with how to read + lead with His word :) Seriously, I thank God so much for the way He has been growing you guys this year to step up to lead! So so encouraged!
It is now 12.32am and time for me to sleep so I can make the last 10AM Constitutional lecture tomorrow morning. For once :) Love you all :D
Another thought I had today was that I should really stop fangirling over groups like Big Bang, etc etc. :( I admit I get infatuated/obsessed with things and constantly just maul over it. Approaching the age of 20, time to grow up, further understand my identity in + mature in Christ :)
1 Corinthians 13:11
11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
Came back with some photos!
Came back with some photos!
FBF!!!! I accidentally thought my cheatsheet was scrap paper so ran over it with my chair a few times. :( |
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the mission team to Omagari/Sapporo :) haha white radishes are roots - like ROOTEd in Christ, get it? ;D also, vegetables can't plant or grow themselves, they have to be planted and grown by Christ :) it's also because we were thinking of what to cook for the Australian Outreach Nights and we realised that we needed a lot of vegetables, but apparently it's really expensive in Japan, so we were (jokingly) going to bring 25kg of potatoes, carrots, apples etc from Australia) :P |
1 comment:
Go Shirley =) You are so inspiring.
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